Beneficial features of pomegranates
The pomegranate is not only a tasty fruit but also a whole vitamin and mineral complex. The key features of pomegranate fruit include high contents of carbohydrates (sugars), organic acids and polyphenols.
Moreover, pomegranate contains a high percentage of thiamin (vitamin В1), riboflavin (B) and P-vitamin active substances, 15 different amino acids, including 6 essential ones (methionine, lysine, valine, leucine, etc.).
Study of Goychay pomegranates
In 2011-2014, within the framework of a special-purpose research project, scientists of the Federal State Budget-Funded Education Institution (FGBOU) of Higher Professional Education (VPO) (Moscow State University of Food Products) have conducted studies of properties of pomegranates, their cultivation and processing technologies in the Goychay region of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Based on the results of the studies conducted jointly with Azerbaijani specialists in the field of pomegranate agricultural production and industrial processing, it was established that natural conditions of cultivation and state-of-the-art technologies of pomegranate processing ensure that the produced juice is characterized by a wide range of biologically active substances, which determine the high nutritive and beneficial status of the products. The most typical substances contained in the juice produced of pomegranates grown in the Goychay region of the Republic of Azerbaijan, are flavonoids, anthocyanins (that have a positive effect on the function of the human cardiovascular system), vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, niacin — vitamin PP and vitamin E (in amounts from 0.01 to 10 mg/100 ml), and macro (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium — from 1 to 300 mg/100 ml) and microelements (manganese, copper, zinc, selenium — from 8 to 600 mcg/100 ml). The key spectrum of nutrients contained in pomegranates and pomegranate juice is determined by carbohydrates — glucose and fructose (up to 20%), fruit acids — lemon and apple (up to 10%), and minerals (up to 0.3 %).
The results of the research conducted allow to attribute pomegranate juice to the most valuable products of plant origin, having natural functional properties and being of high importance for formation of a well balanced diet.
Regular consumption of pomegranate boosts the immune system, improves blood flows and stabilizes blood pressure.Vitamins of B and Р groups strengthen the nervous system and improve the body’s blood producing function. Large amounts of antioxidants contained in pomegranate are vital for people living in polluted metropolitan areas or in regions exposed to radioactive contamination.

Since ancient times, pomegranate has been famous as a useful eatable and medical plant. They say Hippocrates himself used juice of pomegranate fruit to treat his patients. Legendary eastern rulers, medieval kings and Russian tsars wanted to see the pomegranate on their tables on a daily basis.
Effective anti-ageing fruit has been named
Scientists of Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics established that natural compounds in pomegranate and other fruits delay certain ageing processes. This was announced in press-release at MedicalXpress.
Results of clinic investigations have demonstrated that urolithin A improves functioning of mitochondria in the cells of skeletal muscles that begin losing strength and mass at the age after 50. Urolithin A forms in the intestine of people on the intake of ellagotannins (which are contained in pomegranate seeds and juice).
In the course of experiment with the participation of 60 elderly people, research volunteers first took a single dose of urolithin – 250-2000 mg, or placebo. Researchers did not register any side effects, then volunteers were divided into four groups. The first three groups during 28 days received various doses of urolithin: 250, 500 and 1000 mg. The fourth was placebo-control group.
It was found that urolithin stimulated mitochondrial biogenesis, where the cells increase mass of mitochondria. Whilst compound helps with the cells clearing from defect organelles. This process is active in young people, however it becomes slower with age, leading to sarcopenia – degenerative changes of skeletal muscles.